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Kit car donor vehicle, engine & construction details

Vehicle type 7 Style 
SVA passed? Yes 
Donor car (or parts used from) Ford Sierra 
Chassis type 1" box section space frame 
Body construction One piece GRP tub and GRP panels 
Standard engine options Various, Ford 4 pot to Rover V8 and bike units 
Average cost of build (1 entries) £6800
Average build time (1 entries) 1 years, 6 months 
Average build time in hours (1 entries) 200hrs 

Click quote below for latest of 1 build feedback reports
" i'm really pleased with the finished car. the body work is not of the highest quality on my .... more " Built one of these? have your say - leave feedback now.


Tiger Sportscars - Avon picture gallery


Avon - Tiger Sportscars. Tiger line up at Brands


click picture to enlarge


See lots more in the full gallery....

Datasheet & Specs for Avon


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The information presented here is done so on a 'best efforts' basis. We do not warrant that the information to be accurate as specifications can change without notice to us. Inclusion of a car or manufacturer on does not constitute a recommendation by us. Please only base potential purchases on your own research by contacting the manufacturer direct.


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