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Kit car donor vehicle, engine & construction details

Vehicle type 4x4 off road vehicle 
SVA passed?  
Donor car (or parts used from) Range Rover Classic or Discovery Series 1 
Chassis type Donor Range Rover or Discovery chassis with additional roll cage 
Body construction GRP panels 
Standard engine options Various Range Rover/Discovery petrol and diesel fitments 
Average cost of build (2 entries) £12500
Average build time (2 entries) 1 years, 2 months 
Average build time in hours (2 entries) 650hrs 

Click quote below for latest of 2 build feedback reports
" Its a real fun offroader I enjojd every ride in my blue DAKAR 4x4 3.9 automatic .... more " Built one of these? have your say - leave feedback now.


Dakar design and conversions - Dakar 4x4 picture gallery


Dakar 4x4 - Dakar design and conversions. Dakar 4x4 at Stoneleigh


click picture to enlarge


See lots more in the full gallery....

Datasheet & Specs for Dakar 4x4


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The information presented here is done so on a 'best efforts' basis. We do not warrant that the information to be accurate as specifications can change without notice to us. Inclusion of a car or manufacturer on does not constitute a recommendation by us. Please only base potential purchases on your own research by contacting the manufacturer direct.


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