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Old 3rd September 2018, 06:44
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Paul, I had that location pencilled in for debut shots of the Z3gato. Some nice roads to drive around too.
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Old 7th September 2018, 06:20
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Catching Up

Previous replies
Barber – The end of project drinks were Wednesday and I’m slowing catching up on my sleep.
As my longest ‘station to station’ day was 5.30am to 10.30pm and I’m too old for that these days.

Lancelot – Even though I missed most of August, I enjoyed the good weather earlier in the year.
I assume you are going to build a Formosa for yourself? Herald or Scimitar based?

Barber – Whilst the finished yellow band looks great, I’ve still no idea how he managed it.
As the short video clip he posted of him applying it looked a complete mess.

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Last reply
Barber – I’ve been driving past signs for Bentley Priory for years, but this was my first visit.
I only stopped for the photos, but will return at some point for a proper visit to the museum itself.
I also knew they were redeveloping the site for years, but hadn’t realised it was Millionaire’s Row!

Both of my Swordfish videos have been filmed around this area.
So let me know when you are planning to bring the Z3gato down to play.

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Missing August Again!
August 2016 – I was still finishing the car off (First MOT = 31/08/16)
August 2017 – I was painting the car BRG
August 2018 – I was mostly stuck in front of a computer screen

Still, at least I’ve passed the two years on the road mark, which seems to have flown by.

I did manage one 50 mile round trip in August to visit an old MZ racing buddy of mine.
He really wanted to see the car, so my wife agreed to put up a less than comfortable car journey.
While our other halves chatted over tea, we sneaked out for a quick spin on the local roads.
As I talked him through the mods, he joined the ranks of those who can’t believe I finished it.

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Goodwood Revival
Due to my work project, I couldn’t commit to this weekend when the tickets went on sale.
Now that I am free to go, I was toying with the idea of volunteering at the event to get in.
But my car really needs a tonneau cover if I am going to leave it parked up unattended.
And the harsh fact is that I am simply too tired to do much at the moment.
So this event will have to become a 2019 target instead.

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Passenger Side Mirror Plinth
The driver’s side mirror is OK, but the passenger side mirror is currently for decoration only.
I have been meaning to fix this for a while and want to sort it out before I get a tonneau cover made.
I have two fabrication options to choose from:

I already have all the metal needed to weld/build this mock up I made a long time ago:

But I now have some aluminium sheet for the cockpit walls, so could attempt something like Mr T instead.

The only problem with this approach is that my mounting holes are at an angle on the side of the car.

So I may need to shape and rivet a few alloy panels together, which could still work.

The best thing about this project is I don’t need to take the car off the road to do it.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 9th September 2018, 17:14
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Ohh, nice! I like where this mirror fabrication idea is going. Its good to see you still enjoying and fettling
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Old 9th September 2018, 19:28
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Paul, nothing wrong with putting food on the table.
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Old 9th September 2018, 22:38
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Paul ..yes ..Scimitar based as and when finances allow ....
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Old 15th September 2018, 16:50
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Dave - Cheers, hopefully I'll get a chance to make a start on this next week.

Barber - Thankfully, the extra hours will also cover a tonneau cover and winter engine work.
( As I want to fix the oil leaking / burning once and for all. )

Gary - My 1500 engine is great fun, so those bigger engines must be brilliant!

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Two Trips Out…
In addition to catching up on my sleep and various domestic chores, I've had a couple of trips out in the car…

Trip #1
Wanted check out a possible photo shoot location, but forgot to check the time before I left.

Ended up getting caught in the afternoon school run traffic jams which blocked the roads in all directions.

After 30 minutes I had only managed to get 5 miles and I was lucky to have got that far!

In the end, the location I had in mind was locked, so it was a complete waste of time all around.

Then I got stuck in the queue behind this idiot who had planks of wood sticking out of his side window.

Honestly, he had to wait for gaps in the traffic to allow him to swing on to the wrong side of the road to pass parked cars.

So there is just this photo of me safely home to show for the day.

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Trip #2
Earlier today I headed to the Lee Valley water park to meet an old collage mate and his son/my godson.

He was supposed to be in this raft…

But he dislocated his shoulder in a rafting accident a few weeks ago, so was just there to support his team mates.

This is the venue used for the 2012 Olympics and it is very impressive.

I did take my 15 year old godson out for a quick spin. as his dad didn't want to risk his shoulder in the harness.

It was his first trip in a convertible and he really enjoyed it.

It was a lovely day, although the M25 was a little chilly in just a T-shirt.

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Sight Seeing Video
With all the excess hours at work, I'd almost forgotten that I hadn't finished editing my GoPro video.

So at some point, I will get that sorted out.

In the meantime, here I am swinging past the Queen's house.

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Until next time, take care, Paul.

Finally managed to get the photo of Donald Trump flying over my house off my phone.
( There were also two police helicopters at either end of this convoy. )

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Old 16th September 2018, 12:27
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Paul L there's a fiberglass half tonneau cover on my shelf.
You bring the cream cakes and it's yours.
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Old 20th September 2018, 16:32
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Mike – Thanks for the kind offer.

But I a going to go for a traditional material cover like Mr T.



But if I do get to Swindon one of these days, I will bring cake.
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Old 22nd September 2018, 09:04
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Sun, Wind & Rain
Got out for a very short drive yesterday and despite the sunshine, I needed a jumper as it was both windy and cold.

Having said that, it is still great to get out in the car, no matter for how long.

Had to park on a high street and realised that I after I had paid, I have no where to display.

So I stuck the dated and timed ticket in my pocket and hoped for the best.

By the time I got to Sainsburys it was very nice out.

But there were drops of rain on the car when I got out, so it was straight home.

The clouds told me I needed to get the covers on quickly.

Thankfully, I was finished before the rain started to lash down.

But my joy at 'beating' the weather was short lived as I remembered there was washing on the line.

So I ended up getting wet anyway as I ran to the bottom of the garden.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 22nd September 2018, 10:31
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I'm glad to see you've got your priorities right and you sorted the car before the washing!
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Old 22nd September 2018, 10:34
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Old 23rd September 2018, 06:59
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I just take a pic on my phone of the ticket either stuck to the screen or wedged in somewhere visible. Then if someone steals it or it blows away you can prove you paid and displayed. That's not happened so far, but it's nice to know you could legitimately avoid any fines.

I did that both with my Spyder and with my Midget, as I tend to leave it parked with the top down due to the effort required to put it up.

Nice to see you still out enjoying your car, Paul. I'm still slowly putting my Speedster project together, but I spent most of the summer improving and using the Midget. Should be able to get on with it now the weather's turning back to 'normal'.
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Old 23rd September 2018, 09:22
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I keep a little bit of blue tac in the car and use that to stick a ticket to the inside of the screem
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Old 26th September 2018, 15:24
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Thanks for all the replies chaps.

Unfortunately, I do seem to be spending more time on domestic chores than driving the car at the moment.

I’ve also been under the weather since my project ended, as I may have pushed myself too hard in the end.

But I really hope I can get out tomorrow to make the most of the sunshine around here.

Cheers, Paul.
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Old 26th September 2018, 16:39
molleur molleur is offline
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Sunshine and a brisk drive always helps.
Feel better soon!
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Old 29th September 2018, 10:37
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Molleur Cheers.

Unfortunately, my sunshine and brisk driving are usually mixed with London traffic and pollution.

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Thursday Drive
I did manage to make the most of the sunshine and racked up over 70 miles in my longest drive in ages.

Just about got away with t-shirt driving, but I did throw a jumper in my bag just in case.

Took a wrong turn at one point and then chanced my arm on a road I'd never been down.

Found a nice spot for some photos…

As this road continued it became more like a track, so I was glad when I finally rejoined a 'proper' road to continue.

A quick blast down the M1 reminded me that I still haven't had a chance to work on my mirror plinths.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 6th October 2018, 05:07
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Can't believe how fast the year is flying by, but the time has come to start wrapping up a bit.

As it turned out, I was probably a little too warn when I was stationary in the sunshine.

The sunshine was also a reminder that I need my goggles (with orange lenses) to go with the woolly hat.
( As my flat cap does provide some shade for my eyes. )

Unfortunately, I had a slight mis-hap when removing my wooden tonneau cover before my journey started.

I need to look up the correct way of refitting this, due to the overdrive wires, and just drove without it.

Did just under 30 miles yesterday, as today's forecast is a wash out and ended up at Moor Park golf club!

I suppose my golf clubs would fit in the passenger side if I really needed them to.

Although, I'm not convinced I was meant to be standing on the grass outside the 'Big House' to take this photo.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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Old 6th October 2018, 08:12
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Its great to see your still enjoying the car
That country lane you found looks ideal for a video location with the leaves being whipped up as you pass.
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Old 7th October 2018, 20:39
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Hello Paul

I have a similar problem with the Sammio Alpha switch on the overdrive.

However on my 1971 Spitfire fitted with a 1500 overdrive I managed to take some photos before i stripped it down to fit the new carpets.

It might just help

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Old 19th October 2018, 06:53
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Roadster - We must get around to arranging an Autumn car video.

And I keep meaning to start collecting bags of leaves to help set up the drive by shot.

Yorkshireman - Thanks for the photos, although I haven't had a chance to fix this yet.

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Flying Visit:
Apologies, things have been a bit hectic around here lately.

Only had one chance to take the car out, but luckily it was another great day.

In fact, by the time I'd finished the shopping at Sainsburys, I could remove my jumper and drive home in just a T-shirt.

I was also at Wembley for the American Football.

Until next time, take care, Paul.

I hope to catch up on my replies to other threads next week.
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