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Old 1st June 2023, 19:37
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Default This should not be allowed....

I spotted this Suffolk Sportscars kitcar on carandclassic.

At first I was struck by the quality of build and attention to detail but still surprised at the high bidding prices for what is essentially a kit car as we know it.

Then I noticed something wrong....

It s still registered as the Jaguar Donor car, as shown on the picture of the V5.
But it also states that is correctly registered as Historic which it is not eligible for. It is what the DVLA call a 'Kit Conversion' and therefore not eligible for Historic status and should not be MOT exempt.

It also states that it was completed in 2012 by Suffolk and should have undergone an IVA test which clearly it didn't.
The advert says "Once complete, Suffolk Jaguar carried out final road tests and licensed it with the DVLA on the 17th April 2012."
Notice they used the word 'licensed' and not 'registered' !!

The advert is not untruthful (apart from saying correctly registered as Historic) but is very misleading.

Someone is about to buy a very expensive ornament.
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Available from eBay
Old 1st June 2023, 22:18
Lucky@LeMans Lucky@LeMans is offline
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This isn't unusual and its still going on even with the more desirable, high end replicas.
The advert is written on behalf of the vendor with the information they provide.
It is the buyers responsibility to satisfy themselves that everything is in order from a legal point of view. The seller might not even be aware of the regulations. The mot station where tested should have picked up that it isn't the car on the V5. The MOT exemption is still a grey area even it was correctly registered, unlikely as it doesn't use the donor chassis, same goes for the tax exemption for the same reasons.
A case of caveat emptor

Last edited by Lucky@LeMans; 1st June 2023 at 22:21..
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Old 2nd June 2023, 18:23
Lucky@LeMans Lucky@LeMans is offline
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Here is a prime example that just finished on ebay. A Burlington Arrow still registered as a Triumph Herald but its 100% legal according to the sellers lengthy explanation !
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