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Old 12th May 2018, 17:46
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Short Saturday
I only had one chance to drive this morning, so I wasn't very happy to see ants crawling over the car when I removed the covers!

Once there were removed, I racked up just over 20 miles in around an hour and a half due to the frequent stops to set up the GoPro.

One of my 'caught on camera' moments shows that I had to pull on a jumper as it was a lot colder than last weekend.

At least I was able to get the next round of video clips:

- Front wheel level

- Rear racing view including the rear wheel

- Some scenery

As I need a collection of clips of just trees/hedges to allow me to cut the whole film together.

The good news is that I was home before the rain started (just).

But the bad news was I still had gardening chores to do.

Which meant that when the rain returned I just got soaked working outside.

Until next time, take care, Paul.

Looks like I missed the 6 years since I bought my donor car anniversary a few weeks ago.

But when I look at the car today, I still can't really believe that I actually got the car on the road.

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