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Old 16th November 2017, 15:01
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Dave - Cheers.

The LED reflector/fog light really saved the day, as my car is just two days too young to get away without them.

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Misty Wednesday:
A horrible damp day where I could get nothing done on the car itself.

But I did add another wheel to my cleaning production line.

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It is funny how as soon as I am not doing real work, my list of domestic chores rapidly expands.

Still, I did manage to squeeze some car work in as well and hit a major milestone along the way.

Although I started the day by crawling underneath the car with the covers still on.
( So excuse the run of poor photos. )

First job was to trim the main bolts holding the framework to the chassis.

The bolts holding the seats in place had a little surface rust, but were still very tight when I checked them.

So all eight bolts got a liberal coating of Kurust.

Several hours later I came back and gave the bolt a quick spray of black paint.

I don't expect this finish to last long, but I want the underside to look good for the MOT.

You may remember that I found this old wheel by a skip and used it to shape the former for my wheel arches.

Well, today, I final tested it to see if it matched the Spitfire hubs, but it didn't.

As I have a half baked idea to get a Spitfire wheel centre mated to a space saver wheel.
( Although I am not sure there would even be room in my boot for one of them anyway. )

With rain in the forecast, I decided to fit the wheels now and finish cleaning them later.

Two wheels on my wagon.

Due to the angle of my driveway, I have to jack up the hub to get the front passenger wheel on.

Four wheels on my wagon.

Other little jobs included fitting a new grommet in a hole in the boot floor.
( Another legacy of the car falling off the axle stands. )

End of Part 1…
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