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Old 25th July 2017, 21:03
Lucky@LeMans Lucky@LeMans is offline
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Originally Posted by couerdelion View Post
Kit has arrived!

IMAG0803 by couerdelion2013, on Flickr

Was fun when the lorry arrived and asked if I had a forklift as it had been loaded on the side and would need a forklift to get it off. Luckily being in an industrial estate has its advantages... Asked one of the lads who work for the landlord to do me a favour and then bunged him a €10 to say thanks.

Had to then unload the palletes to fit into the unit.

IMAG0806 by couerdelion2013, on Flickr

It's given me a little bit more zest to get the job done now.

I lost a bit of desire after the disappointment with not getting the dials I had ordered from Nubodi. They weren't of sufficient quality so Nubodi sent them back and refunded me. I actually ended up losing money on the whole thing with exchange rates dropping significantly in between ordering and refund. Not anyone's fault really but not a great feeling.

I'm now left with a dilema about what to do with the interior. It was the promise of step-by-step instructions to fit dials that convinced me to order in the first place and had me charge fully into stripping the interior. Now I feel I'm left high and dry trying to bodge something without any real clue what I am doing. C'est la vie...
Hmm, shame you weren't happy with the dials, the ones I've seen fitted to Nubodi's demo car look first class to me.
I would be more unhappy with the bodged two pallets holding your £5k panel kit in place ! Is that really how your kit was despatched from Tribute ? No expense spent !
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