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Old 8th August 2014, 19:30
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peterux peterux is offline
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peterux is on a distinguished road

Hi Rob,
no, I haven't heard about or seen this car so was intrigued to find out more...

If you read their website with Google translate you get this....


Establishing the VM exclusive automotive GmbH in November 1988.
In 1989, the company "VM" will be the official vehicle manufacturer
registered with its own world manufacturer number when Kraftfahrtbundesamt.
During the first years, we dealt exclusively with the design,
manufacture and distribution of the two-seat roadster Seventy Seven-
in kit form and fully assembled vehicles. The vehicle sets
were collected in the parts warehouse and a European dealer network the
supplied customers. To date, so over 1000 vehicles and kits were in our
manufactured home.
complete vehicle were also prototypes and various motor vehicle on behalf of customers designed, developed and assembled components.
since 2010, no "registrations" for Seventy Seven are of more VM
performed. In this area, we continue to ensure optimum spare parts
supply as well as a detailed vehicle service . Due to the very special demands in our metal range we expanded our metal production in an extensive exclusive Metal, with integral tube bending and rolling department. past few years we have been working regularly for television productions, where we among other things, to realize custom-made for the Brain Pool productions. This includes several games constructions of "Schlag den Raab". Similarly prepared we for the Euro Vision Song Contest 2011 and 2012, extensive lighting and transport equipment. Also in apparatus we made ​​in the past few years some very special designs for the range metal catalyst Hersel Lung. We are a manageable special team with many years of know-how, which always new Herausfordeungen in various areas studied.

So you get the gist that they no longer manufacture this kit. If it is true that they shipped 1000 kits then there must be some second hand cars around or even the odd unfinished kit (but probably in Germany??)

If you like the more modern types of sevens then have a look at Toniq sports cars or the DAX Rush has a lot of chrome, etc.

Better still get yourself along to the Donnington Kitcar Show at the end of this month and have a look at what's available?

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