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Old 12th January 2012, 07:52
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Originally Posted by Mike View Post
Hope you don't mind me gate crashing this thread - but it is relevant.

Having just wired up my Hi Pressure Sytec pump and brought it in to use, I am struck by how noisey it is - which is not a surprise as I was told it would be, but.....this loud?
What I did not expect was to hear the fuel rail making quiet a bit of noise too. You can hear the petrol rushing through it, even when the engine is on tickover (says a lot for how much the engine has now quietened down though from that awful rattly start!)

Can anyone else hear the fuel going through their fuel rail? I wonder if I have an air leak, with air being sucked in which might explain the fuel circulation noise? I think I have the fuel flowing the right way around the circuit - the pressure valve should come after the injectors, so as to raise the pressure feed to the injectors?

Peterux mentioned a valve in the return side - was this the pressure regulator at the end of the fuel rail, or should there be a fuel return flow valve just before the tank? I suspect my Systec is pushing far too much fuel around the system, but then again, there will be a big difference between the fuel requirement on tickover, and at full tilt at high speed?

What are others experiences?


I now want to hear an original M50 running to compare it.
I have a Sytec pump. It is mounted using the supplied rubber sleeve and bracket on the front bulkhead. Occaisionally I hear it (quietly) buzzing when priming the fuel system before the engine is started - but that's it. If yours is making a lot of noise then I would suggest something isn't quite right. As Peter mentioned - don't let it run dry. The fuel acts as a coolant and lubricant and it will quickly get knackered without it.

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