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Old 31st July 2005, 17:31
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Originally Posted by kitcarman
My two concerns are whether it’s safe and whether it’s commercially secure.
This can be said of pretty much any kit car manufacturer though, they go in and out of business quicker than I can keep up with changing the details on this site.

Originally Posted by kitcarman
The factory owner in Sri Lanka tells me that he’s in the process of evicting Vince and his Python. It took Vince 3 years to set up that factory; so it’s likely to be out of production for another 3 years once the eviction is finally achieved.
Typically a factory unit is a factory unit, doesn't take 3 years to find another.

Originally Posted by kitcarman
The other concern is of safety. The front upper wishbone ball-joint is being used for a purpose for which it wasn’t designed. Nothing new there in that many kit car parts are used to do jobs for which they weren’t designed. However, this is a particularly crucial safety component and there is significant controversy concerning its suitability. Before I instructed any journalist of mine to take it around a track; I’d want a report from STATUS assuring me that all my engineering instincts are wrong .
I'm not qualified in this area so can't comment on the safety aspect but I would hope that this sort of scrutiny is performed on any kit car that is tested by Kit Car magazine and any safety concerns are treated the same regardless of manufacturer.

I think you know my position on the whole Python saga Den but I hope you understand that a balanced view must be protrayed.
