Thread: Dutton Dementia
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Old 10th November 2023, 15:47
Mick O'Malley Mick O'Malley is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 846
Mick O'Malley is on a distinguished road

This morning, as the rain lashed down, I performed some internet research regarding towing both a trailer and a car, in anticipation of delivering the project for welding activity. I learned that a trailer needed mudguards, as does a 'broken down car' so, either way, the skeleton would need its back body replacing. I dug it out of the GRP heap behind my front hedge and hosed it down. Before offering it up I decided to check for any loose remaining gubbins on the back end, and cable tied the offending disconnected brake lines/cables I found securely to the axle. Whilst it was half way out of the cave and eminently accessible in this afternoon's sunshine, I dug out my smallest cold chisel and with it lump hammered off the remains of the many body attachment pop rivets, knocking the bits left through their holes into the frame with a punch. There must have been at least 50 and the job was strangely satisfying . I shall have the holes filled with weld.

At the moment I'm leaning towards towing it as a 'broken down car' with the back number plate in place and an ON TOW sign. I'll have its log book with me to prove its provenance should a zealous boy or girl in blue take an interest.

Regards, Mick
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