Thread: Dutton Dementia
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Old 28th October 2023, 14:18
Mick O'Malley Mick O'Malley is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 846
Mick O'Malley is on a distinguished road
Smile Some more progress...

After a grey start to the day, the sun appeared at around ten tempting me down to the cave for further metalwork. Careful measuring revealed that yesterday's effort would indeed be merely a prototype, as it was a couple of centimetres too short to ensure the engine sat centrally. To cut the box for its replacement, I decided to use the hacksaw rather than the disc cutter, as I can no longer hold the latter steadily enough for sufficiently accurate cutting. A bit of a pain but necessary. My first cut was angled as per the template, one mountings length from the end of the length of box, so it only needed doing once. Yesterday's effort was also a little short of bearing area where it met the mounting rubber, so I re-positioned the birds mouth cuts a little to compensate and opened them up using the prototype as a template. The bends will doubtless need tiny tweaks so I'll leave cutting the fillets until then.

I clamped a cut to length piece of surplus skirting board under the frame and marked it at the ends, and where the mountings would sit. Tomorrow I'll put it on the bench, sit the mountings on it upside down, lie the gismo next to it, and mark where the holes will need to be drilled. I'm certain that these will need to be slotted a little but I have a burr bit for the drill so it shouldn't prove too irksome. Note the L&R in correction fluid - I know what I'm like!

Regards, Mick
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