Thread: Dutton Dementia
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Old 19th November 2022, 13:36
Mick O'Malley Mick O'Malley is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 846
Mick O'Malley is on a distinguished road
Talking More Holy(ish) Grail

Yesterday I pootled up the Fosseway for my long-delayed collection of the Avenger prop-shaft I need for mating to my gearbox. I have to say that the vendor, with whom I've been in internet correspondence was, as miserable gits go, right up there, even face to face. Still I got the necessary for a reasonable 30 quid, result! It was a 150 mile round trip so, on return, I left unloading and examination for today.

The internal splines were as rusty as the rest of the prop. and needed a good hour of wire brushing (I had to saw the longitudinal corners off one of those pound shop brushes to get it slim enough) and scraping with a skinny flat bladed screwdriver for them to look half way decent. I next sat the Ford prop. alongside and had a good head scratch.

The U/J spiders and their yokes look to be of similar dimensions so it may be possible to hybridise the original with the gearbox end of the 'new' one. Before I embark on attempting this, I'll have to carefully measure where everything sits (again - I know what I'm like!) to ensure that I wouldn't end up with the gear stick either under the scuttle or my left elbow.

Whilst searching my shed for the old prop., I found the engine mounting rubbers (which were attached to the cross member when I collected all the gubbins). I'd forgotten I had them and had been searching the internet without success for a pair to bolt to my recently acquired 'Holy Grail' brackets. I now have all the necessary for more engine dangling to accurately fabricate the chassis frame mountings.

I'm beginning to feel that I'm getting somewhere!

Regards, Mick
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