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Old 2nd January 2022, 15:24
Lucky@LeMans Lucky@LeMans is offline
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Lucky@LeMans is on a distinguished road

I can only imagine in the next couple of years EV's will be everywhere on our roads. Most of the car ads on TV are for EV's so that's where it's heading. I can also envisage the ques at charging points and the road rage that will go with it ! If every car will need 45 minutes for some juice just how long will the ques get ? How long before we hear about road rage stabbings at the local charging point thanks to a que jumper ?

Our local paper recently featured a smug looking council official showing off TWO charging points on their property ! He really thought he and the council were saving the world the way the story read ! Another local initiative here was the council buying a field near a neighbouring town for £300,000 of tax payers money. They intend to leave the field alone and let it go back to nature, thus off setting the councils CO2 emissions, because they own it ! Meanwhile huge housing developments are being granted planning permission all around the area, you couldn't make it up !!
Rant over !

Last edited by Lucky@LeMans; 2nd January 2022 at 15:39..
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