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Old 30th August 2019, 08:48
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Paul L Paul L is offline
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Location: Wembley, London
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Paul L is on a distinguished road

Night Rider
You can now add golf clubs to the list of odd things I've carried in the car.

Took the M25 to Bletchingley Golf Cub to meet an old work mate for only my second game in 4 years.

Warm sunshine on the way there meant it was still T-shirt weather for the drive.

Thankfully, I also remembered my ear plugs this time, which helped with the wind noise.

Last time out, I'd left my hearing aids in, which amplified the very noise that made me deaf in the first place.

My game was very rusty, but managed a few decent shots along the way.

But it was dusk by the time I was leaving the car park.

I had brought a jumper for the return journey, plus I tried out my white neck roll.

Which left just my glasses exposed under the flap cap, covering my ears, nose & neck.

I must confess that the M25 at night will not make my Top 10 Swordfish drives.

It is certainly not for the feint hearted, especially given the UK's poor standard of lane discipline.

So I was very glad when I made it back to my local shop for a quick Pit Stop.

Unfortunately, my attempt to take an atmospheric photo ended up being a bit shakey.

Until next time, take care, Paul.
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