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nellieb 21st July 2018 12:41

1 Attachment(s)
Hi all,

Would you believe it, this is my Cordite! I am now using the fibreglass body as a buck and as you can see I am rebuilding an aluminium body, which will be left in its natural state. I have used the Cordite, now for at least 4 years. It has proved to be reliable and reasonably quick, due to the lightness of the body. I have a slightly tuned engine and the brakes and suspension have been upgraded. It always attracts positive attention and, I hope, with its aluminium body I will become more of a rarity and add to its lightness

Yorkshireman 21st July 2018 14:01

Good luck with the rebody in aluminium. I love the look of unpainted aluminium bodied race cars from the 1950s and how challenging welding aluminium can be.
All the best Dave

Paul L 21st July 2018 19:19

Neil – Good luck with your efforts to build an aluminium body.

I take it you have seen Lucky’s build thread?

What about this guy on YouTube?



Originally Posted by nellieb (Post 96066)
... hope, with its aluminium body I will become more of a rarity…

How rare do you want to be? :icon_wink:

There must be less than 10 Cordites on the roads in the UK and I guess you have the only one in Scotland.

Cheers, Paul. :)

nellieb 22nd July 2018 04:59

Cordite in aluminium
Hi, I did not explain my intentions well enough! I am fabricating the aluminium body and then that body is to be used on another Spitfire chassis and that new body will have certain deviations from the original. Then as the body evolves it should attain a unique shape of its own, maybe a D Type nose or another 50s racing car variation. The fun of these builds is the creative flexibility of the endless potential within the moderate man's income. I am trying to achieve a 50s aluminium racing car that looks fairly authentic and is still affordable and still creats the thrill of open air driving. I am sure that this is the same ideology of all involved on this sight. And most of all to enjoy what we do! :smile:

Paul L 23rd July 2018 21:36


Originally Posted by nellieb (Post 96083)
… I am fabricating the aluminium body and then that body is to be used on another Spitfire chassis...

OK, now I understand. :cool:

Even more reason to look forward to seeing this build.

Good luck, Paul. :)

nellieb 25th July 2018 08:48

Cordite in aluminium
Hi Paul, Iam glad that you replied and also that you are pleased with my new project! If you and your family fancy a trip to Scotland and to experience the joy of empty roads you are welcome for anytime? We have a spare cottage so accomodation is available? Your constant adventures on this forum have constantly motivated my personal progress and so often look forward to your future activities!And so as we are all together on this concept of enjoying open air driving in our idiosyncratic hand built Specials!

nellieb 27th March 2020 11:01

Cordite in alloy
3 Attachment(s)
Hi all,

The Cordite is being transformed into aluminium. I am using the Cordite as a buck. I wish the original mould was symmetrical as it involves lots of guesswork. the project is keeping me fit and taking my mind off COVID-19.
Best wishes to all

Paul L 27th March 2020 12:29

Neil - Great to see an update. :cool:

Good luck, Paul. :)

nellieb 27th March 2020 14:14

1 Attachment(s)
Hi Paul, slowly making progress ! The amount of hours that I have spent on the Cordite is enormous! Been fun though !

Lucky@LeMans 27th March 2020 15:19


Originally Posted by nellieb (Post 103765)
Hi all,

The Cordite is being transformed into aluminium. I am using the Cordite as a buck. I wish the original mould was symmetrical as it involves lots of guesswork. the project is keeping me fit and taking my mind off COVID-19.
Best wishes to all

Don't worry too much about it being symmetrical, even my 250 Testarossa was 1 1/2" longer on one side compared to the other ! You couldn't see it but I knew it was there !

nellieb 28th March 2020 09:04

Thanks for the encouragement! The welding of the alloy took some mastering, especially when you blow holes in a piece that has taken weeks to shape!

nellieb 4th April 2020 15:21

1 Attachment(s)
Talk about labour intensive! Well, it has kept me occupied while we're in lockdown. Also, I am getting the hang of welding aluminium.

nellieb 11th April 2020 11:34

Cordite in aluminium
1 Attachment(s)
Hi all, run out of gas so sadly stopped! I cannot even take her out in this sunny weather as some one may report me as a non essential! It is getting essential for me as the odd little blast keeps me sane and healthy. I cannot watch tv as requested I believe we who build these projects are the active individuals who also do not need daily walks. I have thoroughly enjoyed working in ally and even now considering my next project may be using a BMW 6pot? Take car every one best wishes Neil

Lucky@LeMans 11th April 2020 16:07

Looking good, I'm a big fan of the all ali finish, please don't paint it !

I've been looking at BMW 645's, what a car and what an engine. The earlier examples aren't even much money ! Under £4k buys a big aluminium 330BHP V8 and there are some with manual gearbox options too. Very tempting ! Much better value than the Chevy crate engines that are available.

nellieb 11th April 2020 16:54

Hi, It will never be painted as I just love the raw look ! Never been into pristine concept always liked the worn and driven and hammer marks like an old classic Norton or old 45 Harley.I realised that I could never afford to buy one so this was my only way of getting one that was affordable.I called in for petrol just before the lock down and to my surprise at the petrol station people came over and asked questions about it! Yes I am looking for a candicate with more grunt and power also the historic status possibility. Thanks for your interest as it it helps with the motivation and also your advice! Regards

Paul L 13th April 2020 11:32


Originally Posted by nellieb (Post 103860)
It will never be painted as I just love the raw look!

Glad to hear it. :cool:

micky1mo 13th April 2020 12:49

Looking good!
The time and effort you are putting in to this project must be tremendous !!:faint:

Could you let us know how are you forming the panels and what technique you are you using to weld the panels together?


nellieb 13th April 2020 15:46

Hi forming the panels was by hitting the panels on a sand bag and then using a wooden stump to flatten. A lot of the tools are home made out of steel bon my forge. I use a wooden ball from a bowling green to help create curves I worked every day over the winter bashing away I am certain the neighbours hate me! You learn as you go and slowly you get into the flow of understanding the material you have to enjoy it and expect mistakes. I use gas oxygen and acetylene and this was at first a pain until you understand the gentleness of the flame. I cannot wait to start another build as the body is so light and good to look at! Hope that this helps!

nellieb 4th May 2020 09:53

1 Attachment(s)
Hi all, it's like being a caged animal, especially when the sun comes out! We live in a little village in Scotland and I am a little conspicuous if I try and sneak out for a short spin. So I spent Sunday imagining that the Cordite had just returned from Le Mans with battle scars and patination - all in the mind, I'm afraid. And even though I'm 70 I am still a boy at heart. Roll on normal days with wind in your hair, driving down the country lanes.

Mister Towed 4th May 2020 18:48

Amen to that!

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