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davecymru 11th February 2014 19:47

Craigt, i like your thinking! :)

Sadly that's a step too far even for my wife to accept. and yes, i did mention it! :)

The situation atm is that the MasterCo is sold "subject to contract" and I'm just sorting out the details the with new owner. If they want to make themselves known on here then that is up to them, but that's as much as i will say on that.

Unfortunately the Wife's camper van is simply too big to fit in the garage so sadly this leaves me in an awkward position where i will have a garage all kitted out to tinker with cars and no car to tinker with.........

Can you see where this is going :eyebrows:

Mister Towed 7th March 2014 18:16

Just caught up with your thread DC. Sorry to hear you didn't finish your lambo, did the sale go through ok?

Can I take it from your final comment above that a DC MkII Spyder may be on the horizon?

davecymru 8th March 2014 09:25

ATM things are still "in progress" with the sale :(

All going well, I think next it's going to be a Miglia, as while it's similar (Let's just leave that point there shall we!!) it is sufficiently different enough to give me some new challenges and TBH i like the longer bonnet look and a number of the other differences that Mike has on his kit. (No offense to the Andy's BTW!)

That said.... i am really irked at how selling this car has gone as some people have really been taking the pish with their offers and comments and it's left a bitter taste in my mouth. The final price i settled on means that I'm already loosing a bit of money, which is bizarre, and anything less than what I've agreed i could get for parts if i just split it up!

So if the sale falls through this time I'm at the 'stuff em all' point where I'm tempted to just cover the car over, lock the garage, and forget about it for a few years!

davecymru 17th March 2014 18:50


Right... time to drop the gearbox and sort this clutch out.


AcC8braman 17th March 2014 19:38

Hi Dave.

If you need any help / questions answered re clutch, let me know. I have a problem with mine, hoping to sort it this week though :)

davecymru 18th March 2014 18:56

Cheers matey, i may hold you too that if too much swearing is involved :)

So after not really being run for a few months the car was what is technically known as "a bit of a bugger" to start as one of the carbs didn't want to play. One "Italian tuneup" later, and it's starting and running as sweet as when i parked it up! :)

After a bit of a redesign to my garage interior storage (i.e. a tidy up!) I've just played car-shuffling and turned the Big Red Car the other way around in the Garage as i think I've figured out how it can fit and be up on blocks to drop the gearbox and still be able to shut the garage door in between fits of swearing! :thumb:

It drove out and back into the garage fine, although the reverse hill start in the dark was a unique experience :icon_eek: although the sit-on-the-sill trick really does work wonders for reversing confidence as you can see absolutely SFA out of the rear window in the dark!!

There was a bit of smoke from the engine bay on the minor hill start back into the garage so something is certainly amiss but it should hopefully be straight fwd enough to get to now. So we shall see what we shall see.

Here we go again :)

Paul L 19th March 2014 05:50

Dave - Sorry to hear your potential buyers have been messing you about.

So good luck with sorting the problem out once and for all.

Take care, Paul. :)

froggyman 19th March 2014 21:15

I am sure you will manage to rectify your clutch problem which will then give you a usable car or a more saleable one. Good luck.

davecymru 20th March 2014 08:57

Cheers guys.. The change in weather along with that debacle trying to sell it seems to have re-found my enthusiasm, so we shall see what we shall see :)

ok... so here we go.. a pic so that i know where all the bits go back together:

Wires go this way around (yes the speedo cable is already unplugged!):

And there is considerably more room to work under the rear of the car than i'd expected, even when it's not on ramps!

davecymru 22nd March 2014 17:48

You know when you get an idea in your head that something is going to be tricky. and lots of time pases. and you wind yourself up about it and then it turns out to be REALLY easy.

Well I've just had one of those moments! :eusa_doh:

All the rear bits-n-bobs removed in order to make things a bit easier to jiggle about:

Then undid the 4 big bolts on the bell housing, put a trolley jack under the rear of the gearbox, remove the 2 bolts connecting the back of the gearbox to the chassis and it all slid back remarkably easily!

Although i am having a bit of a premonition that it may be what is technically known as "a bit of a bugger" to reassemble on my own! So i may have to use some beer-tokens to bribe some friends for assistance with the refit:)

Then as i've not done a clutch before it was time to go back to the classics:

Which basically said...
  • mark the cover & flywheel
  • undo the 9 bolts
  • don't drop anything!

and it all came off in minutes :)

And i know that this is my first clutch removal/refit, but i think i may have spotted the problem already. I'm _sure_ this pad is meant to be connected to the clutch!! :shock:

So i shall doing some ringing around next week to see what i can get, but as this is the only marking on there I'm hoping that it's enough to identify if it's Rover, or Renault, or, or, or...

So all in all a very good day :)

seanick 22nd March 2014 18:35

Well done Dave!
whilst it's apart make up a clutch alignment tool, just something that fits the spline in the flywheel that will keep the plate in the middle when you refit it.
A bit of broom handle might do it!

AcC8braman 22nd March 2014 19:10

Well done Dave :).

I have just bought a Renault 21t box so watching with interest as I will need to swap mine over. Might be the right time to check if new clutch is needed at the time :)

Keep posting lots of pics.

So glad you have got the interest back and will be good to see you at stoneleigh. We have our own stand now - lamboreplica club :)

froggyman 22nd March 2014 20:31

Well done that man. Glad you managed to get the box out without any drama and the detached friction material was easily found. Make sure on reassembly you fit the centre plate the right way round and also check it slides on the splines in the gearbox ok before you fit it to the flywheel. As Seanick said make sure the clutch centre is lined up with the spigot bearing and then the box will slide in without damaging the centre plate. Cheers.

Paul L 23rd March 2014 11:50

Glad to hear the initial work was not as bad as you first feared.

For me, it was fitting the rear suspension lowering block that I feared, but it turned out to be easy (even for me!).

Good luck putting it all back together again, Paul. :)

Scottie22 23rd March 2014 19:13

Great job Dave, know what you mean about dreading a job,
seems a lot of mine are like that!!
Good luck putting it all back in. :-)

davecymru 26th March 2014 20:13

Cheers for the support guys it really is much appreciated!

One little thing that needed addressing has been the boot and engine cover release handles. When the old ones exploded on me it was the "Straw that broke the camels back" and the last thing that happened before i locked the garage for a few months and then tried to sell the car.

But now i'm back to positive thinking again it's time to address it!


You can see in this pic what happened when the cable snapped and took the fragile plastic back with it!

Luckily i already had another complete unit squirreled away from when i tried to do the MR2 based Countach a few years back.
So that, plus a £2.99 brake cable from Halfrauds and 1/2 an hr of swearing and it's all sorted! :)

I know it's got a small chip out of the top corner, but you'd be amazed at the state of some of these I've seen (although given their age i shouldn't be surprised!), so that should be a relatively easy fix at some point in the future when everything is mechanically sound and i start prettifying things :)

davecymru 1st April 2014 14:41

While tidying the garage the other night i came across a pile of business cards that i've picked up from various shows over the years "just in case" and one of them was for...

Precision Clutch Components Ltd!

Who it turns out are only 15mins down the road from my best mate in S.Somerset...

So i've just given them a ring and while they can't give me a firm quote on repairing my clutch until we figure out exactly what clutch it is, they did give me a rough idea of costs if they were to repair it and they were _very_ reasonable!!

They will also try and identify exactly what it is and see if it's cheaper to do a complete replace.


I'm popping down to see them on Saturday morning, so if anyone has any tips/suggestions/gotchas that i need to be aware of before then, please let me know...

AcC8braman 1st April 2014 14:49

Hi Dave,

I will be running a course in Somerset from the 8th to the 11th, would be good to meet up at yours and have a nose around the lambo ? :)

davecymru 5th April 2014 14:38

Well a big thumbs up for Precision Clutch Components! :thumb:

I got there for just after 9 this morning, before i even mentioned what the clutch was off of he said "oh, old Renault" which boded well! 15mins later and he'd relined it while i waited and all for the princely sum of...... £25!!!!

Obviously for that price it was just a reline (and degrease!) and not a full rebuild and clean etc. but.... blimey! :happy: Highly recommended from me!

Although i did get a bit narked that when i was trying to sell the car a fews ago, i'd dropped my asking price by £1,500 due to the clutch issue and some people still tried to barter me down more!! mumblemumblemumblemumblemumble

So when i got back i was allowed an afternoon-pass to "go and play in the garage" and here's the new clutch:

Although the first attempt at fitting it sheered one of the bolts in the flywheel :(

But, with my new mood of optimisim, i whipped the flywheel off:

And dug out a set of stud extractors that i bought years ago and had never tried.
One small pilot hole and out itcame at treat! :)

Then i remembered that when i bought SWMBO her campervan in the box of bits that came with it was....
Clutch alignment tool! It's not the exact one, but worked as well as a bit of broom handle and meant that i didn't need to saw the end off of one and have to explain myself later :evil:

So a few hrs later and the flywheel and clutch is all back on and ready for the gearbox

But that can wait as I've got a copy of 'Planes' recorded and two small children literally bouncing off the walls in anticipation :)

Scottie22 5th April 2014 16:49

Well done Dave.
It gives a good feeling when things go right for once!

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