View Full Version : jayporter's Miglia

Paul L
21st July 2017, 05:42
I've uploaded some photos for jayporter...

The chassis after galvanising.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Q8cRqGyDaoAmaKFgTNH53OkiulerniBPA4wBx2-qzjkvMWQFELAvEiGd3wMb7tiPhwOG6qCyprFs6qVvyD2ndl0r2 xMxHnPdgwvGEZfPibG0LCwqs8_9OI1CRurOCMP_NzM2eI7HheE rRwHPDk3CnHjgaxFIiB5zawHtoT-VQvubuw7HQV9IpeR-NBsuGZYAOzDo8-wWRkVfT4s4UcBH-8zdq5byE3yD30n3nvEpBnYVUBkn_WJwYDJlOIMAqnX5bhSVP1r v-ZYcJtcGc-Vf4CgUtXbxCsDI3t3Zv4OJbNVciN-1dQsgWxu7cpGpdnpneYPqCFf9zIU2PTPEG8L0ahRIRIRTOwFTs SNV7UHlXtOaXkS9tpXNyplr5ZxsrckTmXoGoQhh-Agv0CqRoWt0QH05AHtfsJjO3xbyvMpMpOXHPGL1z_7qMY3bDyK wZlhK9a5ppPWohdFu6y9l8RRNZFrcIMaN8PjCcajzh6xh8Quqm LmtHtgVcxteIYF5qH78uE41HRvZrMOaAyjdfn-mj1gLvscuWrEhxBqh7jhvizcJ9SU5F8c9ZlzvkYqYMYPBh30JL A4J_-uALYdspwwS9kBZ9cEdycA5gTtGTpIElUXABaesVe6X7nM1Fw=w 1157-h864-no

Part built with some MG alloys temporarily fitted.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/7SYZbZQZcrSkp28DGy7Ee0EZOTJufKgOeAku1m8Q31YQSra2rp _TWNPaHg0FQnTyWvFmziYwxgFpCEpNnJCT7q8My_RshYRezqxC n286XMd2S-QAaIgnZrCZ3S8qmHKgDPIze_4PBw1QP7HUxst8asUjodFJssGp uDT03hi3IrPBC_RR3c9gyKwdNZ5Vu7CKQGfY3wrb-agbryXk6VDTakQBoNeSAOpbHk5fAKNwAPa4ysaGSg_Y0Gm6b0I R4HHvybYmQmKoMs-k2t3Gi8ixuBoAQPcljwtTKUQMGGqfvtnv9mwpkWf-nTxmHgYjxikOPJxcawqZjoDkuhCBdMVvg-fmg8O8YSLNKE-ZtqAAu7iRUxjhHXXMkZzbNZ9NzEjBygB6sFk3L83h8APWhC4Ol jikdPHrjDFcqlespOJ1VnQXQXkEyDDUJfBx6bVtkLgwszIFioz 70KkSCjcboL24KKp1I9mmOK4e8oKwwzsKi_lNXUJbB1-TJmK8Ech1DvwCSZ3l__Ky_O_UUzZZVRw8RjANVNIM0gJ2JcV79 O1DDSEoJuH3GIi2y_7meRzDl3-0AwZMODrw21FBJFywr8qtGz0poszSHWPGnBti5xEj3Fal4qyv-90R-L0fTg=w1152-h864-no

Done and MOT’d and now fitted with wire wheels.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/N4X0cu213p4dQ_nhP09m1lEgKsae1DsWMs_KwD1DDP3aUYq-fuUKD_f4kaVEUydWPpnjMa_RBXa00RlkZHVspWdkGlOhEmG5_H ftGCtyrDxbw-Udq1OANjodDBQWs_hTSKhw6D23RKoFjAD4ELK7Ex3qMtXDic6a cprDRBNDxG6CfTY-Lna_pZCweAE9YhrrisE2rxrvuy5u-JOiGXxV4dvTrQ0UJ_AyXwoXeqvAYn8bFC2gjKMAGXpqk9BHhTc cm-3dtk6zjxTGZJXhnLySZotEoDGdzDb0mYn7lHZ_83YQh1gFtoeW zguyoLG-vyLgqq7KIgx5x-GS87tprFj-V7MUisUpNciEREyfo7oeHIm-7dbC_em780kw9eRYiAzDkXwo903iVWBZ8HH2BlyPYq30t7Lnl1 D6J7FqhU8_ZziCrbtjCPpzXUOzPBKFK0tp0w8gxf3taMWgOInz K4CYvV_Co5d1NEZf6r96pM0h4Zuh0taRw5ubtn_uoRnUAQ0wyd P0eWMAuVp2VctACfJWTi-7KOU338HAJMvX-s1hkMZbfX1T8qgsQw8R86pDoCxYTBVsOSCbIP1rjdFD6szOSOo frRzroiUfJIllhe9uuKU6eqsnJRGqMW9TGg=w1152-h864-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ZoHQVhLkjW_-0QIA8jrcBUWRUMLwRM27V_4zQe1KJtdCDOUJ_yuYuYRSRuJGN8 WJPC0jv3stejkJGSYXK1GQrufnT6Ysl1-YK4FGHDWmcTmtf0blQACYIh3MhLCXwTQLmK43WDrpRSSvoeSM8 zAhWjnlO7FNRrAuQ-8OdXd7CVqlQCKQEOaA0u2apPTEnB6_CzDLXi6EJCYpoWaVH4j4 zUayYrp_OVWlwtENHA1T0sXVmRcmo_LXi-LxIBLcpUoi8p16dgK_VihBglObivu9gr8yAr34mol_h7V6y1de w_wBy5eU__TzFIgqxB7ko4qe2j3KCs61x7ERpOg9u0tzzw83m9-RvsI5HficJxk8tfjsnaAN93UDPpytzvqwIuG3hMA-JCg35-LZFbXvLXYrcAh48DJLFnvhBGKJ7F6-_WXDJY5tNukhG5BcTodfn-fqegXaXzBmNNAkPswhgBPMnHnZxpQlt4cGluKL9F7PeQg2oN2d XYCtJZ7CEex2u3RYRLsjjJd4nvCcJApzJa5LnzjVJRIpILVNcv qKyIGvQ5Q95hfrk83QhQndaeV3UuXPwaze5tRW6C2w8d3fYDpY iU00eS5A1--Ehx8ryv3Sy9dN2HsVuQgeKn7jiQ=w1152-h864-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/adonhrUq4S8mvWfVnCl835-P2ZdP54cvO06XMcPvKJ88sIwEeDmp_A_g7b6teXFJXI9wzI83m 72Hmvw_OFEOUObzUzb7kFbFaxx4166RMdE6xUrino4BOOGcOus fV1d8z3rKrFXVGqLG_I8l9ZjBOjQKUM_BssMsOT6THa2Q14NOh 1XjnbkUouD9ljPY2EwnLTe_HzPGDIzMvFjRRmVETik7tRL474b 1HZ9GpWd-_QR3WHWlMy78HCqxZTny0f--BuF-ImVxfhlptAq38j-xKEoWrccaDtQ6DHDbMLKu70VAg-acfbSQ7hkKO8IQFMC0L9va6jtXxluZy0miNHYSkjIlXXXwMbIp PQJTeKh2iS5uhO3hHoyTLprGrUUaSlcwZR95pYfDTnfZtexrdK 8v_EIKMhIkjpXN_gyXg7WPEdHQtAW0jD8eWRN9lvcPHPCvkTmi kseQ2ia6OBfbm-xstkiX15u_sbE-t3g-4fVqOlxVYTaoiMotkHzt4Ujo5ojRbpLwMlBN3k2-rDC6_KYaXaaoKR2g5cPOHq5dkOxsLk15HxtLIR6PmhWeyv8jV_ 4_MGA9umBXhzxp_F24K8e-s2kuuhowXUCNuDoN9VmaI7vn4mRq91e2Tq2WRQ=w1152-h864-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/RkltSR42b1uOQIqqdpbEa661S_WkbKT2Os50oN5iQxdrq11JL4 9hXErKQDeabjorm6y_O7PShPyiXFPUaCcznq4IshmgiIYMZ1Jg 3xVJMnIEEbpRtps4L6O5f_rmY9t84txk3OQDZeF2litaWXWfbw dl3S86-RjIdO4ZQbLa9tlszA49vUItvhptIMMNjTUoM1UwNXAzg9fJQ88 zOZg9879LmKs_JHIwnpSZweLZWtkUIR8hzBxMd9nX9qqZqUQWM aQUmNggeQ_uIggBdwVukrpAnvqeoke6xdjNuzPt8R4ZWUuNfrE DziM0_v2E25nW1RUCIxVNF_1QlBBmCkS-6NsGYC9-tznOvzrRRtHObisnVgbC0pzbIwRLuDKuuRtUELmDAsfwdzT8KT LEfTc1HekOkEgrrM-3JecT2YEwZphKgiz9hru2aDYqqqAch69VUL9deubijZLNJd86-8CM09T6LLQcDjMpfEflipiREJAdlVMZb5H-QxYoFdKrUvjU1i0-2yJA_3dnDN568-AXi8xmw6_FA9gJWZ7wuV9g4yx39BxVjuL0SwGVihO2XqESi1k7 8uJ0oVwLYvxCpu6Lu-ZclKaK3IyTrpQNCaB2K4cnJIFZG_PbMUk39A=w648-h864-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_U757DpoE39nPPbB0LTPiTueqCR3Td-HMePDRbci84wSyt-8NJhQw00_PQQpgP5nSah1e_f9n4Koy13mDiESaepayt0xa56HO h10AlK3B4tpgDiimYz8AQRdykctfebPffWunqnuaGLgYq1s85u jUZT8kB3p_S4YVvqfVmvVw9WS4wNeBJPmeF6r0VXJK8xPyGLEc RpEIQCpgpMbiXevxEHKfB6fT5oEBFi7XvdT-6GIgnqnxgg3L4pjJgKhOV-u084BY_ieZPpdizpFGzYEX-wQqXo1vODOYZGDAzcHXXA73adJj6pAIJSb-9gRntWt_By7EDRmRYxdTaYra2C8z5Q-KGA-PbSLnZbrWb7c3vm1LLUX8rcm2liXAS7KuV8WIs21CHv_aId6BF zjkrCt-chdoRejenRgGFkq6HO3gsrgO0e4Q0Ug9r3n09ezjvp63mDCzjG 0LAeDubd18epQ93SGmuhEjCANXp4stdzCMUvGv98l0OJ9YytFI ZSN_KD-OxiDqoMK8-HZuJxTzpUr4oy9LFFlYSdGj1S2hHN_bPblpMJmvArOCkDHWUXK upHNoNcRR4SLUrYpgNSQnAthiSwMHtCuv2U3HPNHXyfaUL4aFP N8MpcAiL7g8w=w648-h864-no

Good to see another Miglia on the road. :cool:

Cheers, Paul. :)

lancelot link
22nd July 2017, 10:16
THAT LOOKS QUITE SWEET ...Nice grille ...I could live without the badge , but I like the insert ..exhaust looks neat too ...good level of finish by the looks of it ...I bet those Land Rover swabs are hard ....

24th July 2017, 16:54
Hi Gary, thanks for that, if by swabs you mean the seats (apologies if not) their the original herald ones re-covered in fresh leather (to match the dash) with heater pads in the base and back, so their sprung and quite comfy actually. cheers, jason

lancelot link
24th July 2017, 19:20
Hi Gary, thanks for that, if by swabs you mean the seats (apologies if not) their the original herald ones re-covered in fresh leather (to match the dash) with heater pads in the base and back, so their sprung and quite comfy actually. cheers, jason

Oh ok ...apologies ... I assumed they were Landy swabs which are really harsh ..
Herald seats with heater pads ...like it .

Very pretty car ...

25th July 2017, 17:57
That's very nice! what's the chassis and running gear?

25th July 2017, 23:11
These are herald/vitesse based

26th July 2017, 09:38
Thanks for the positive messages and comments! It's a herald 1200 donor and we kept it all original in case we fell foul of DVLA but as that's all agreed now i've also got a 2.5l straight six engine and a 2.0l with an overdrive box and a set of disc brakes we're just thinking about, but as the car draws so much attention and drives well I cant decide whether to bother! We went to town on the chassis a bit before galvanizing and reinforced the back and sides with box section to stiffen her up more. I'll try to get some more pictures on as we built her, cheers, Jason

lancelot link
26th July 2017, 16:52
My customer , Graham had his side rails replaced with box sections during the restoration process ...its a sensible modification and DVLA allow these areas to be boxed for strength without it affecting the points system ...

Paul L
26th July 2017, 19:42
... I'll try to get some more pictures on as we built her...

As if by magic...


https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/PDLH_UZYDfCpX1caSA7YiXJd-4j3iSDDMUvkLpy9rieOn6JmP8rFqyxKKbDDFpCee2wQtCrIkXP cdGqTlR4QpGVNtOUeeyeoMVtU6sF4YKRHJIzaabk5vV3O3DQ6U dOTPoouDpawc_nTA2ogLawFs8XoLmvHjicEKYuRit6PsUQRX-WDLQu-5SsrNZdNMcmO4e-QXYt7NSc7KYCGX0BZS7M2smwygRzgXk7l628Mi2RYR3cdtBYBg lbcb6oMp2CTcUUcxMMg-1GSnfpSSfNcyK_h_b2ZCs7unVkVBVi7VqFkxvDaT85GV_inqaQ 3EB-qUlEtihOBgvVhha869yTlOh0DVxzA7eK4XH3UYUtolVlkJILUV 1tAXerlGE2UVvTwYo32e9e4uS9WYpoB-F5-3lCB2ENq4v8bPpVFoL-eZSjCQ0hLbJBU5pZ0ZTluScqduxYSFZJCGMGvCciW0ZSeZFX_e hyK22ns5HnxpU2BAH4uAPRGEIBQi1TzGYET4bEOcbsF88MW6yv bLWYVamUKoEbIFMD9pWOUQb78Jtb_7P1_NKpK5uvDuGZ34ncQ1 QViQF1A8-9s5Y4RhhfD9gFb-NdelPWg5MOZNr6YSKUcA3RhLrP--3tgMaANcA=w1157-h864-no

Basic Framework

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/5s-9HZIwWVKHgdJ8F6piWxDs4s_aobAXN7wfsLrKZrHtRC_zyP2e7 XzOSUf9GkyWHLdxWbEy9d8_WcXYHtDddWTxCgUEp-NUepO5v4RSntWLVZaZx7M5p8JYh2uqvBOm6eIqsERgakxzcoOR I0yGp_fprIY92wgYtODv0WbpJmW1U9Chw_wey4IBv9CavNVFV0 aEFdorWNZ7Mj0Lw17MVlbxfEZNUo7MJc1l2w8GWAcBkU_bx92_ ymk8Hhx79l1TjYDiTnB9wJ51nPrZB1DmTjDzWkHULdOFsiZsja 30vCJgfchHNxXUulghfvIyddyGhx3eaNxH1xs2YKXgkwQY3R13 pX1BEO2ZUS-PpaXqE7CU3D2bJ1djpas5y8K1J00_JbvxYYgiH1MaIi_pSuDpt RqAPYs4n-GrSaBcDBqyWmU3mEBZd9kR6TSLam-QMMv13vlpKMm7eVq7_VOVzIqsIiO66ZHd13dHEBoMP2t_pzwx1 HY2PMV_2o1eO6tGAKxE1oc-tpjTorpnY-2WRPNAEgetqI23R_xHZB-7jq0iFeBoaEEfkLuAAph9pHUQwZSvCl64aGFE_PgJZXMW23SdD xW024AYgIUFXfQmOJc5oBiDy4_uPlp0paKoaQ=w1157-h864-no

You can just about see one of the herald seats stripped in the car ready for recovering

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/yZ-rKN_6WDcyh3b-_Lf7XCOwyEamzNdVB-_CLNxpIGfR57dK9pVbXNQ8LDxNncRNr7DB1mzCFmd7DWPn1uX-E68olOInYJFW16CTnjuEhTqD7YxI7GBMdVWd0-404d6xG9cOI9RdNMA-6794h2AvLq2TC-R7FRcYMEJ_8vQLoYxZfimr5t5G8L-vsuvX20WEW-_1UEuNI-OfYIkiC0HbwOGJEAglQpumppjn8FbXLMUdXXM0mn6LtMoghFJr Y049t78QNUmMRK0jdEJ6TsdB7R642YiCKFzduSb8Ysup_5Bqpy A8vaBemKBzO4RKkN_dt5CiQDhG_HIqbytOwdDYUBIkvTtOwnE5 DCvLLBF4R8mAzV7nGxdx-mCYRnBb-KVUcyVl6S7K-FnpBt3y7ETFBh-56V0w41ZQ5c498alLIt8_NpuaEksWCcZyL0brF6TPi53zVoRFV GQcpBBC0_llyMAorSJ-Zn57zUPctenAy7QqPEENdbF6LVCJoteelbNq__OMBgcivtQdSL gn8DhaGPHnIntd44fl0LXGd76jAktmSRCwMwPqQt4E9eIP4aN3 2i8cKbulHZPL-B_jYF47if7VlCTzWR5zcSsnAGfmFTkXXhSEjCI-dPGYxw=w1157-h864-no

Better shot of home made stainless steel petrol tank and inner rear wheel arches

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/eFwgeXxxad60_bsEKg5PymQR442uu6vzfftiQl1RQJ80-FZvOYdJU_y2r70IGsFghqWuNRzNWWNvVw-In2PdTfNuyONyo-2dNcjaNoAxA0y1hB4GSUGa378l2D_s-BPlsXcH7rxUjllLvr1qgcNw6jI24K769RPSKkwM8OuYUSw3ryX 6UBt0r1WNlzdazv--dqzwvCj9q90Yp_bLk-SmKfgU07VztfB2W8MuUfPvyTEj2GBYghjsK5SQTX-OQO0hMK5JBrI-llJ0iNcXYSz8WykY3vzGVk3jr7IKwayqWCGEYSigMyyzTUpY36 DTymxiw6BZpzx6csAbhfSzlanWnzP4c_AMxCItYpWd2_T3IDQv i6ozpR-8qB7At3Svxopa-egDg4_qYPJv9F2UGP30gdfvyvhRBNkf3TezPIYm8SHwbvfecSA q2PuWj25Yd8EaMWjuhkAl26koqN4lhD7SNZQTv6qUL1rmkWGQZ cMD55wdVQKoJ-A2xl283dUDT_t9eWBziTsiKRtr3IIPVswMAEoHm4Hm2RPxad82 DbmVr57UUH40H7AKIsDCKI8Acs0eCGYyFOH88iXV72qmL4-6tZxrjRFFQcGlyVaxNCC9-fapmlWAN9yPwJf8ng=w1157-h864-no

Heater location

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/yZL-44olvKjgZAGKX5mLJWYxZ51LuH_OZybDGRqIk78_KgIrzPbguN uRXoXUvr2Iw4etwFfJ9hoOoRkH-RXkZD9D0DOEY90LOk4AOwPoKrquN8wW9rUQeWH4iNwpuWqkPuX PklQ-cORFh_19yov3NmA7Q6etaUFURpih5duPCoOZcdt3YJjBt2mSOo XtUQmuQhvZipIVLfBtWVS6SQ1hp1BOdhC28uy0y-TE73WbJlz2S6eaj_ZhsXc0WxRRMWE7-RcaVFolDeGbFXM9I61kYNOfGlqvK8-rSio6WzzMQfT382TG_EFzMNXHAxNgam2dxyITlWd2p7nMTyyas kB-TTaW2sUWACsQldwwSw5mRolcM4vVuSwVKHplfQFZi5o9muDBE9 QQPDSSUeNi_JtdTsJXmhQeGZF9q7k77guoIAQ2GTX3aYlARHj2 eJzeic1UB-liRTDE-Cm1XMJXRoBJVLkJGZ-h4RA7p9ARxUTpcoNdMOyJ7-EXAr3cOqwyeUgTerg8--pm67wtRKjHDQQkQ0zxQhS-Ff7-OUoW4nHLlOCGjlzwgWs353t0jhdsDlHCvw3Fp9uWygVMvXF1Va tsQA3gwukl8zuuzdjoumPVOTDRYnWA7NAXmjM7ng=w1157-h864-no

Cheers, Paul. :)

Quick question from me… What is the big black 'box' on the passenger side for?

My first thought was spare wheel, but couldn't see a way to access it from your dash photos.

27th July 2017, 07:27
Your right Paul it is the spare wheel, it's held up behind the dash on the passenger side above their legs, we tried different idea's in that area and this one gave the most clearance all round so stuck at that. cheers, jason

lancelot link
27th July 2017, 09:15
Some nice touches on the car Jay ...... I like it ...

Paul L
27th July 2017, 21:19
Jason - I didn't think of the spare being accessed from below. :rolleyes:

Great bit of lateral thinking. :cool:

31st July 2017, 14:33
Have you seen the kit that's for sale on Ebay 263113852125? Is it any of you guys? Be interesting to see what happens.

lancelot link
31st July 2017, 18:15
Have you seen the kit that's for sale on Ebay 263113852125? Is it any of you guys? Be interesting to see what happens.

I could be interested in that ......Apparently they are a really easy build , everything you require is with the Spartan or sourced elsewhere .... !! lol...

31st July 2017, 22:27
I could be interested in that ......Apparently they are a really easy build , everything you require is with the Spartan or sourced elsewhere .... !! lol...

Surely the Spartan is not correctly registered ?

Still shows Vitesse ?

6th August 2017, 15:33
Lovely car, cool build and i wish i'd thought to mount my heater in that position!! :)

15th August 2017, 15:34
hi guys
im finishing my miglia and can you tel me man whitch can build me the grille as shown on up pics kinds regards

lancelot link
15th August 2017, 19:39
Patrick , welcome to the forum ....I emailed you last week to explain that Chris at Tribute Automotive can do you either the beer crate style grille as fitted to S*mmio's or the Maserati style one on Jayporters car as seen here ... If you give Chris a call or email him , he can sort you out ...

16th August 2017, 02:13
Better shot of home made stainless steel petrol tank and inner rear wheel arches

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/eFwgeXxxad60_bsEKg5PymQR442uu6vzfftiQl1RQJ80-FZvOYdJU_y2r70IGsFghqWuNRzNWWNvVw-In2PdTfNuyONyo-2dNcjaNoAxA0y1hB4GSUGa378l2D_s-BPlsXcH7rxUjllLvr1qgcNw6jI24K769RPSKkwM8OuYUSw3ryX 6UBt0r1WNlzdazv--dqzwvCj9q90Yp_bLk-SmKfgU07VztfB2W8MuUfPvyTEj2GBYghjsK5SQTX-OQO0hMK5JBrI-llJ0iNcXYSz8WykY3vzGVk3jr7IKwayqWCGEYSigMyyzTUpY36 DTymxiw6BZpzx6csAbhfSzlanWnzP4c_AMxCItYpWd2_T3IDQv i6ozpR-8qB7At3Svxopa-egDg4_qYPJv9F2UGP30gdfvyvhRBNkf3TezPIYm8SHwbvfecSA q2PuWj25Yd8EaMWjuhkAl26koqN4lhD7SNZQTv6qUL1rmkWGQZ cMD55wdVQKoJ-A2xl283dUDT_t9eWBziTsiKRtr3IIPVswMAEoHm4Hm2RPxad82 DbmVr57UUH40H7AKIsDCKI8Acs0eCGYyFOH88iXV72qmL4-6tZxrjRFFQcGlyVaxNCC9-fapmlWAN9yPwJf8ng=w1157-h864-no

Hi Jay,

I like the solution for the spare wheel location - I might try to do the same. Also, the rear side of the car looks great. What is the remaining length of the back outriggers after you've shortened them please (including the bar you have welded on)? Is there space in between the body and the bar, or is the bar attached/bonded to the rear side of the body somehow?

Thank you.
Cheers, Deni

16th August 2017, 09:00
Hi Patrick, I made the grill myself, it was a bit painstaking but kept trying it in the hole as I shaped it to make sure it fitted snugly so it's a one off really.
Hi Deni, I'll get under the car later and measure the outriggers as i can't remember the length, cheers for all the positive comments and messages guys.

16th August 2017, 19:30
hi jay can you build an other grille for me and the price the maserati one
kinds regards
french miglia

17th August 2017, 23:01
...Hi Deni, I'll get under the car later and measure the outriggers as i can't remember the length, cheers for all the positive comments and messages guys.

Hi Jay,

No worries, let me know when you've had a chance to check it please.

Cheers, Deni

18th August 2017, 12:37
Hi Deni, the outriggers are 300mm from the edge of the lip on the cross member (325mm overall) with a 100 x 60 x 4mm box 800mm long welded across the ends, it ends up just inside the body shell on mine, hope that helps.

Patrick, when I made my grille it was a labour of love as it took quite a while and I haven't really got enough spare time to make another and my galvanizers and powder coaters did it as a favour for me as we send them quite a bit of work, so the cost would end up quite high pal as the chrome powder isn't cheap, sorry. cheers.

19th August 2017, 18:08
hi jay the chroming the grille is not a problem for me i m sure you can do it with some botles of wine and nougat some botle of white cote du rhone and of course your price your grille is genius

lancelot link
19th August 2017, 20:31
Frenchy ...I did pm you about doing a grille like Jayporters , Chris has the sections in stock and between him and myself we can sort one out for you ......You are over in September , from memory , so if you want one , let myself or Chris at Tribute know ...

26th August 2017, 12:28
ok lancelot build one for me tel me you want monney to start the grille
the crazy frenchy builder

26th August 2017, 22:26
Hi Deni, the outriggers are 300mm from the edge of the lip on the cross member (325mm overall) with a 100 x 60 x 4mm box 800mm long welded across the ends, it ends up just inside the body shell on mine, hope that helps.

Hi Jay,
Thank you mate, much appreciated.

Regards, Deni

lancelot link
27th August 2017, 17:27
Hi Jay,
Thank you mate, much appreciated.

Regards, Deni

I'm doing some work preparing a Vitesse chassis to accept a Miglia body at present and can confirm that the rear outriggers need to be trimmed down to / or replaced with a section approx a foot long too ...I have also tied the two together with a piece of angle iron across the rear ..they are quite vulnerable in their standard format ...

29th August 2017, 11:02
Reasonably reluctantly and with some regret I've put the car up for sale this morning, life has a habit of getting in the way. cheers guys.

lancelot link
3rd September 2017, 14:21
Reasonably reluctantly and with some regret I've put the car up for sale this morning, life has a habit of getting in the way. cheers guys.

Seems to be creeping up quite nicely ....

The phrase ''Bespoke one off with custom shell'' made me smile .... Reminds me of my old mate Ricky Battistini who used to run Battistini's Custom Motorcycles before he emigrated to the States to initially work for Arlen Ness ..he did a range of bikes called the ''One of a kind series'' !! :icon_lol:

Paul L
12th September 2017, 06:46
Good luck with the sale, cheers, Paul. :)

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Triumph-Miglia-Speedster-Classic-2-seater-sports-/112552893434?hash=item1a34acdbfa:g:pV8AAOSwM6NZrnn P

12th September 2017, 12:18
Cheers Paul, ebay screwed us really, the first ad had 4k+ views 400 watchers and 27 different bidders pushing it up nicely but then ebay received a complaint that we'd put "NOT FERRARI" in the title off some (insert expletive) and cancelled the auction then when we re-listed we did it wrong but hey ho. apparently its against ebay regs to put a brand name in the header if they didn't make it, which is crazy as there's 000's on ebay right now listed as ferraris, lambo's and lancia's that are exactly the same, kits. Its a bit annoying but what can you do, there's a few people emailing asking to come viewing so we'll see what happens.

16th September 2017, 06:49
Only just catching up on the forum and saw yuo've put the car up for sale. I'm really sorry to hear that, but totally understand that these things happen, so i wish you all the best with the sale and especially with the-bay-of-e and their interesting rules!

I was aware that Ferrari don't take kindly to knock-off's and do tend to occasionally chase and close replica auctions!

lancelot link
16th September 2017, 08:47
Ebay have a team that flag up incorrect termanology in adverts as well ...it's not always a complaint , they do action a few removals themselves . I think you should re-list it going down a similar route to Towed ...maybe not so long !! but the route of 'Special build' Its no secret that the words 'S*mmio' and 'Miglia' can hold values back a bit sometimes ....