View Full Version : New Porsche 356 Body and buit in frame.

11th May 2014, 16:30
http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll115/mikefto/3565-1.jpg (http://s286.photobucket.com/user/mikefto/media/3565-1.jpg.html)

http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll115/mikefto/porscheside.jpg (http://s286.photobucket.com/user/mikefto/media/porscheside.jpg.html)
http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll115/mikefto/cleardot.gif (http://s286.photobucket.com/user/mikefto/media/cleardot.gif.html)
http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll115/mikefto/porschedriversside.jpg (http://s286.photobucket.com/user/mikefto/media/porschedriversside.jpg.html)

http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll115/mikefto/3562.jpg (http://s286.photobucket.com/user/mikefto/media/3562.jpg.html)

http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll115/mikefto/porschefront.jpg (http://s286.photobucket.com/user/mikefto/media/porschefront.jpg.html)

Ready to trim and on to the next .

11th May 2014, 17:23
Very nice..


11th May 2014, 18:44
No wonder you don't have time to take photos... Mike.

11th May 2014, 20:43
No wonder you don't have time to take photos... Mike.

Thurcroft flyer
11th May 2014, 22:19

looks a great finish

11th May 2014, 22:25
Iwhats lurking under the gray sheet on the left mike xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rattler

11th May 2014, 22:41
Iwhats lurking under the gray sheet on the left mike xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rattler

You know too much rattler ha ha ha

11th May 2014, 22:45
may be haha

12th May 2014, 02:38
Mike what chassis are you going use a s the base (VW? I've forgot)

12th May 2014, 05:23
Mike what chassis are you going use a s the base (VW? I've forgot)

Yes Mike, The frame has the heat channels for the heat to channel to the screen and under dash. So basically you take out 9 inches from your Vw beetle chassis, and the car will then bolt directly to the chassis.

12th May 2014, 05:26
may be haha

You do know to much, keep drinking them bottles of wine :faint::faint:

Mister Towed
12th May 2014, 10:37
Very nice Mike, the Speedster will always be in demand with real ones now over £150k. When will you be announcing pricing/packages etc?

12th May 2014, 12:11
Very nice Mike, the Speedster will always be in demand with real ones now over £150k. When will you be announcing pricing/packages etc? theres a nice coupe for 5k on ebay ..its a bargain

might need some metal work though :dizzy:


12th May 2014, 18:12
Nice looking 356 Mike with a great finish.

12th May 2014, 20:05
Thanks for your nice comments, i will be pricing up the package very soon.

12th May 2014, 21:48
I'm hoping it will undercut every other speedster kit out there

Car photographer
12th May 2014, 23:53
Interesting ;)

Marc F
13th May 2014, 17:17
Looks good Mike, and wish you success with this. Catch you later re my car. Cheers

30th August 2014, 12:12
think the kit is approx £4k

old car how do you mean..?

as a kit car imagine a chesil..this is the same..