View Full Version : Detailed Triumph Engines

17th February 2014, 19:18
I thought it would be nice to see pictures of peoples Triumph engines. Also

various states of tune. I found this interesting picture with its triple carb s and a nice looking airbox.

http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll115/mikefto/triumphcarbs.jpg (http://s286.photobucket.com/user/mikefto/media/triumphcarbs.jpg.html)

17th February 2014, 20:57
Hi Mike, have they used plumbing fittings?

17th February 2014, 21:20
Ha now you mention it Gary i think your right.

Looks nice i think.

Little Red Car
17th February 2014, 22:26
That's not carbs, that's Lucas Petrol Injection. Originally from the TR5/6 and PI saloons, someone has fitted it to a Vitesse in this case.