View Full Version : What's you estimate?

9th February 2005, 08:08
Just wondering what people are budgeting for their build. Marlin originally said you could build the car for less than £8k. At today's prices I am guessing this is now less than £9k?

I am aiming to complete the car for less than £8 - 8.5k. I am not modifying the engine or anything else like that and have been sourcing many parts myself.

What about everyone else?

It will also be interesting to see the difference betweeen the estimates and the final cost.

9th February 2005, 09:31
My total cost will be around 13-14k. But we will have to see. Thats with a
recon engine/gearbox and a custom ECU and throttle bodies a digital dash display and I'm painting the car as well.
It'll be interesting to see how much it will really cost me. Hopefully not much more or I'll have to join the poor house.. :biggrin: