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Old 11th February 2014, 12:42
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MartinClan MartinClan is offline
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In my experience both materials very tremendously depending on their quality, specification, price etc. But, for an amateur, I would say that a good quality leathercloth (IE vinyl) is much easier to work with then leather.

I used a staple gun to fix most of my trim. At least if you get it wrong it is easy to undo. I only used adhesive where I was fixing it to a metal surface. In general I didn't use any foam padding. Most good quality leathercloth has a certain amount of inbuilt padding. One tip - I used a good quality masking tape to help keep things in place while stapling or the glue going off. You can easily remove it after.

You can't beat leather for seats though - although having said that my current build will be having leathercloth seats due to its greater resilience when getting wet!

Cheers, Robin
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