Thread: Dual 7" Servo
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Old 18th February 2012, 10:11
denniswpearce denniswpearce is offline
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Ok I can report on my servo installation now that my local garage managed to purge the system of its trapped air.
I obviously informed the garage owner of what I had done in replacing the metro servo with the dual servo so that he was in the picture.
Firstly their reservoir caps did not fit my reservoir ( same problem I had ), but then they overcame that issue and bled the system of a lot of trapped air.
He said the brakes performed well and he was able to lock the wheels very easily. I drove it home this morning and was anxious to try it for myself.
However, he did give me one bit of advice before I left.
It is a condition of a dual servo that if you pull up at traffic lights and leave your foot on the brake pedal that the travel will be longer than when you are moving, so his advice is not to leave your foot on the pedal when stationary. Fortunately I am one of those who uses my handbrake and not leave my foot on the brake pedal so that I do not blind the driver behind with my brake lights ( not an issue with the Sportster though ).

Anyway, driving down the road from the garage I was very tentative with the pressure but it has a completely different feel to the pedal, the travel is longer and takes a bit of getting used to, but you do not have to apply much pressure before the brakes bite, its very light, more akin to my daily runabout.
Obviously I wanted to stamp on it real hard to see the reaction and I did. The response was an immediate lock up, but it felt like the rear wheels rather than the fronts.
Then I had other cars in the vicinity and could not try that test again. But at junctions and roundabouts the feel and responce is much better than the metro servo. Today is a crap day weather wise so will have to wait for some dry weather to try again.

I am one happy bunny.

Thanks Mike I owe you one and Jason for trying it out and giving the green light. Also thanks everyone on here for all the valuable advice that has helped me with my installation.
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