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Old 4th October 2011, 18:43
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Mister Towed Mister Towed is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
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Mister Towed is on a distinguished road

Spent a couple of hours today removing the sump that was piddling oil past its gasket.

Thankfully no stray nuts 'n' bolts fell out of the engine while the sump was off and everything looks squeaky clean inside.

Once I'd shaved the remnants of the old gasket from the mating surfaces I fitted a new one, sealing it in with blue hylomar sealant, wonderful stuff that really does the job imho, although I inevitably ended up with more hylomar on my fingers than on the gasket. But so long as it fixes the oil leak I just don't care.

The new chassis bits from Canleys turned up today too. I placed the order on Sunday and the parts arrived on Tuesday: great service as far as I am concerned.

Aiming to get some 'blasting done tomorrow and then teach myself to weld.

Might be worth staying away from West Norfolk over the next few days in case of power outages...
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