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Bellicose 29th May 2019 09:56

Hart Bellicose Build
Hi all, just an update to let you know my build is well under way.

At the moment I'm creating the buck to take my moulds from, the whole thing is a work in progress and the shape/design will change a lot as the build goes on so don't take what you see as the finished "look" of the car.

No idea how it will turn out or if it will look like a pile of junk but I'm enjoying the process.

You can follow progress here


Paul L 30th May 2019 06:55

Bellicose – Hi Nick,

Your conversion from 4 seater to 2 seater looks like a very interesting project. :cool:

Although I hate to say it, but unless I am doing something wrong, the Reddit format is very hard to follow.

As each photo needs to be clicked on individually to see it, before going back to the reading words around it. :icon_sad:

Personally, I like the way you can combine both on this forum like so…

Donor car

Design from rear

Foam work in progress

Either way, I look forward to following your progress.

Good luck, Paul. :)

I tried to put a few more of your photos up, but they appeared HUGE on here. :eek:

Bellicose 30th May 2019 08:42

Hey Paul, were you looking on your phone? On Desktop Reddit works like the forum but on mobile devices it is rubbish!

I Will start a build thread on here too so people can follow it but not sure where in the forum it would go?


Paul L 30th May 2019 14:06

Nick - I was using a PC.

Here is a screen shot of how it looks.

Bellicose 30th May 2019 14:12

That's really odd, this is how I see it even logged out of Reddit?

I'll see if it's a setting or something?

Bellicose 30th May 2019 14:40

Hmmm, can't find out why it's doing that? What you're seeing is what I see when using my phone, but my home pc and office pc show images automatically?

Oh found it!

It's internet Explorer, that is showing links when I use that. I always use Chrome and that shows the images.

It looks like IE takes you to the old style Reddit and Chrome to the new. Good ole Microsoft!

Anyway, now that mystery is solved how about I start a full build diary on here, where would you suggest I put it?

Piguin 31st May 2019 01:03

I think you are in the right spot under Mad Build Area :D

Even if I am mistaken and you need to put is someplace else, I am really looking forward to more details, as it seem like an amazing project!

Bellicose 31st May 2019 09:46


Originally Posted by Piguin (Post 100626)
I think you are in the right spot under Mad Build Area :D

Even if I am mistaken and you need to put is someplace else, I am really looking forward to more details, as it seem like an amazing project!

Thanks, as long as it looks better than this I'll be happy :heh:

Bellicose 31st May 2019 11:58

Ok lets put all the Reddit stuff in here and start a full build diary :)

Bellicose 31st May 2019 11:59

I've always wanted to design my own car from the ground up, but with the IVA now so strict in the UK, I decided rebodying a car could be just as fun and be the start into my world of car design.

I have spent the last year designing a body based on BMW E46 Convertible blueprints. Why the E46? Well, there are loads of them, they are RWD and with the 3.0 engine quite nippy and can be supercharged/turbocharged or even accept a V8 if you're feeling naughty and want to test how grippy those rear tyres are!

So I now have a completed design and all the tools and materials needed to fabricate the new body, all I need now is a donor car to start shaping and moulding around.

Once I have the donor I'll start showing progress pictures of the shaping of the new body and getting it ready to make a fibreglass mould from.

Bellicose 31st May 2019 11:59

Well I've been hunting for the last few months now for a local E46 convertible that is cheap but not so badly beaten up it's of no use to me!

Come people of Essex sell your BMW's cheap for me!!!

Bellicose 31st May 2019 12:11

While waiting on a donor car to come up I've been musing on what colours would look good on the finished product.

I hate matt finishes on cars, to me it looks like the owner couldn't afford clear coat and is unfinished, so that's out.

Metallics and flat colours are a bit boring.

Flip paints are ghastly!

Which brings me to Pearls. I love how pearl colours catch the light and the depth of colour they offer.

So the paint type is decided, now for the colour!

I have a soft spot for the Lamborghini oranges and greens and as my design is supercar like I think one of these would be a good choice!

Bellicose 31st May 2019 12:16

I have my lights decided on.

These are the front lights

These are the rear lights

And this will act as the Fog and Reverse lights

Bellicose 31st May 2019 12:19

Off to see a donor car!

Could it be I have found the car that becomes the first ever HART Bellicose?

We will know in a few hours! I'm off to sunny Kent to go see a 330ci convertible in Manual and fingers crossed bring it home with me!

Bellicose 31st May 2019 12:21


Well the donor car was perfect so I bought it and now the project is up and running!

Already started some foam work on the rear passenger wing, not happy with the location of the cutout "Intake" or it's shape but it's all a working progress so will make notes and re-do it. It's a nice material to work with and very forgiving, just a little frustrating I can only lay one layer of foam at a time then have to wait half hour before applying the next.

Shape of the wing is wrong also right now but we are only day two into a year long project so this again will change until I'm happy.

Bellicose 31st May 2019 12:22

Going stripping this weekend................Stripping car parts that is.

This weekend I've decided before I go any further with bodywork I should strip down the car and remove anything that's not staying.



Roof + all associated pumps / wiring

Rear seats

Rear interior trim

Rollover protection

Boot lid


Front Wings

I'll tackle the lights first as that will take a while, I'll need to note down every wire colour, it's voltage/amps/watts and what light it controls. As I'll be needing all the info when I come to fit the new non-BMW lights.

All the bit's coming off will be sold to go towards the build.

Bellicose 31st May 2019 12:23

Rear end nearly naked!

So this weekend I started stripping the car down, I got as far as the rear lights, boot lid, back seats and side trim being removed.

I had a quick look at how to get the convertible roof out and six bolts should see it free in one piece.

This is the current state of the car

I also made note of all the rear lighting wiring, what colour it was, what bulb it activated and what voltage it was.

Bellicose 31st May 2019 12:29

More Stripping and some Welding (of sorts)

Hey you lot, Well this weekend gone I managed to remove the convertible roof and start welding the wire frame that will make the basic shape of the car.

The convertible roof was easy enough to remove, only three nuts each side and some wiring then un-clip the hydraulic hoses and off it pops! But my god it's heavy! The rear of the car is about an inch higher now it's gone!

Rear bumper is pretty much all that's left to remove from the back of the car.


I was too excited to try out my new MIG welder, so the next job was to start making the framework that will become the rough base for the cars shape.

Now you have to remember I've never welded before and I'm sure the following pictures will horrify and upset those of you who can weld and know intricate art of welding correctly!

It's messy and not even remotely perfect but it's solid and will do great for my needs.

Bellicose 31st May 2019 12:32

Wheel Arch Lip & New Top Line

So, this weekend gone I managed to get some time to work on the car.

I cut out a new rear wheel arch lip from 12mm MDF, I then welded 80mm supports all round the existing arch to get the new wide arch projection. I'll be gluing the mdf to the metal support.

Once that was done I decided to see how the lines of the new car would be by putting masking tape from the arch lip to the new top line I made a few weeks back.

It looked shit lol

The angle sloping up was all wrong and the line once it got there was terrible. So I had to take the decision to get rid of the top line and create a new one.

So I cut it off and then did the same tape experiment going to the original body. Well it wasn't far too where I wanted it, just needed to be an inch further out. So following the existing car lines I extended out by an inch. This left me with this line

Much better, once shaped with a slight curve it will look spot on how I have designed it.

Next job is to remove the rear bumper and roll over protection then I can continue with shaping the rest of the new body.

Bellicose 31st May 2019 12:43

My Designs for the car

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