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trev_zz 15th December 2018 13:14

Hello from a new member
Hi guys, I’ve just joined and thought I’d say hello :icon_biggrin:

About 30 years ago I built an Apal Speedster that I has for 5 years. Great car and wish I’d kept her but life moved on.

I had an attempt at a Banham 550 Spyder around 11 years ago but didn’t get to finish the car. The main reason for the build was that I’ve got two sons and I wanted to teach them about car mechanics.
That bit did work out as they both tinker around with their own cars now.

I intend to build a Tribute 250 SWB roadster but I’m sorting finances at the moment along with buy-in from my better half. Hopefully heated seats & air con will do the trick.

The forum looks great and I’m going to enjoy the ‘back catalogue’ of posts along with handy tips

FAO Paul L – Looking at your avatar I think our ‘virtual’ lives may have crossed a long time ago. Does TriTalk ring a bell?

Paul L 15th December 2018 15:52

Trev_zz - Welcome to the Forum. :cool:

Good luck with your Tribute SWB 250 build.

There are some photos and links to build threads here (mainly on Page 2):

Although Photobucket problems and old websites being closed have messed up a few of these. :icon_evil:

Good luck, Paul. :)



Originally Posted by trev_zz (Post 98106)
...FAO Paul L – Looking at your avatar I think our ‘virtual’ lives may have crossed a long time ago. Does TriTalk ring a bell?

Small world, yes that's me. :D

Quite by chance, I've just started extracting other people's photos from TriTalk before they archive the old forum.

So here I am, just about to collapse, at the end of the Vitruvian in 2006. :rolleyes:

The sad thing is I am now over 3 stone heavier than I was back then and my fitness has completely collapsed. :icon_sad:

That was one of the down sides to the HUGE number of hours I spent building my own car, but I am hoping to get back into shape in 2019.

trev_zz 15th December 2018 18:30

Thanks for the 250 SWB build thread. I'm hoping to start 2019 late spring.

What car have you got?

I haven't been on the TriTalk forum for ages. Have fun with the Phwoar thread :eusa_silenced:

Assume that FB etc has taken over the world.

I was never particularly good and a couple of spills have got me of the bike now.

I look after Berkhamsted Cycling club website Great bunch of people if you're looking for a club.

This is me at the 2006 Fred Whitton. I've still got the kit :shock:

Paul L 16th December 2018 08:10

Trev – I spent just under five years building and painting this:

This photo was taken at Dunstable Downs, near Whipsnade Zoo.
The nearby hill was at the very end of my longest training route on my bicycle back in the day.
I used to max out at around the 100km mark, not the 100+ miles of things like the Fred Whitton.

Finally, here are a couple of home movies I made using a little GoPro camera:

- My tribute to the opening scene of The Italian Job when the car was still in primer.
(Which allowed me to rack up 1,000 miles before I started painting it.)

- A summer sequel with the car in paint.

Cheers, Paul. :)

davecymru 16th December 2018 11:16


Best of luck with your build! please post a build thread with loads of pics so that we can follow your progress, heckle and shamelessly steal any really cool ideas you may have :)

p.s. there are lots of Dave's on here!

redratbike 16th December 2018 13:54

Welcome along

Loving those Fuchs split-rims on the 550

trev_zz 16th December 2018 15:05

Thanks for the encouragement guys.

I had the hubs re-drilled to take the Fuch alloys and were the best bit about the car. The seats were temporary.
I had all the bits to finish her off but time (with two young son's) was against me and the (then) SVA would have been a nightmare. I sold it to a guy in Germany who trailer'd it back.

Paul -

Great looking & sounding car and fab vids.
I recognise a couple of the lanes.
The hill you mention in the pic is probably Bison Hill. I've been up & down it a few times on the bike.

If you're over this way again try Aston Hill in Wendover.
The Aston in Aston Martin is taken from the hill after they won a hill climb (or two) on it.

It's since been Tarmacked :doubt:

DaveP 16th December 2018 15:53

wicked pics thanks for sharing

oh and they say you are never more than 10 yards from a Dave....

- Dave

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